Thursday, March 27, 2025

are blogs still a thing?

 It's been 2 years. Ish .SO MUCH has happened. So much is continuing to happen. I would love to document it all here. It takes a certain amount of dedication to make that happen, and I question whether I have it or not. I have a week or 2 each month where I can get er done. And then... not so much with the doing. 

Currently, we're in the library/ homeschool space and boyfriend is singing "My mommy is the best, the best there ever was" on repeat, but I'll take it cause heart explosion 💓💓I was scrolling through the blog looking for a pretzel recipe (spoiler alert: I didn't do a blog post on pretzels and now I have to remember back to 2013 when I made them and figure out what recipe I used)....

Well friends, it is JANUARY 4, 2024. and yes, the above is all I had written on my "gonna try this one more time" post. Big oops. 

Honestly, I question whether or not people read/ care about blogs anymore. They were THE THING to do when I started. And there weren't a ton of others around like mine- organic/ holistic cooking and health stuff. And now? Well, looooooots of people are out there on Insta hustling and pushing the homesteading lifestyle... the one I've been trying to live while failing to write about it. I feel like I picked the better option- live it as best we can. But not gonna lie... maybe I get a tad jealous thinking that I could have been making some sort of income from all of this. But that would have put some serious pressure on something I enjoyed, and as a recovering perfectionist, pretty sure it would have led to burn-out and not great relationships with my kiddos. All has worked out as it should. Just don't tell my bank account 😆

So where do I go from here? At this stage, I'm not loving social media so much. I find myself getting panicky and sweaty from all the knowing ALL THE THINGS. the things that humans were never ever supposed to know all of. So do I want to actively promote a blog/ lifestyle on a medium that doesn't improve the quality of my life while talking about improving the quality of my life? Doubtful. 

so what does one do when she fancies herself a decent writer but doesn't give herself an outlet for it? write a book? a cookbook? a memoir? feels like i'm screaming out into the void where countless others are doing the same and why pick mine? i'm not sure i can craft a novel, i never measure out anything when i'm cooking, and although i have some real good stories about random how-does-that-even-happen events, what's the end message? 

when it comes right down to it, our little family has had some incredible adventures. ones i'd like to document in written form at some point, since journaling them at the time never happened, and the memories are fading (which is why i'm still on the social medias- at least i captured a lot of it there). 

Living in France? BIG YES WRITE THAT DOWN.

Moving back to Jersey after 13 long years? YUP YUP.

Buying an 1853 farmhouse that used to be a dairy? Abso-freaking-lutely.

About homeschooling my kiddos, one who has special needs? and about our attachment/ gentle parenting style and philosophy? I mean, I think it's pretty interesting. And 12 years in, we're definitely seeing the fruit of those decisions, even the ones questioned by everyone around us. 

Do I write and just see what becomes of it all? Do I have a way to print this all out and put it in a journal so I don't have to do work twice? Probably a good idea. 


In the words of Asher Jet- "BUT WHY?"

Mainly because every time I think, oooh should finally blog about France! or our renovations! or homeschool! it's 2am and I'm trying to get some much needed sleep. Blerg. 

But I reno'd the blog page to better reflect... me I guess. I heart books. And cooking. And coffee. But it's hard to get all those themes in one so books it is! And since homeschool is my favorite season right now, it seems pretty fitting. 

Is it weird that I'm finally releasing another blog post almost a year later and I'm off social media for Lent so I'm not advertising it? Probably. But here we go. And here's to more blogging at a decent hour! 

Monday, May 20, 2024

why am I like this

 I've had lots of years between when I started this blogging journey and now. Years that have certainly mellowed me out. Years that gave me more grace and compassion for everyone and all the things. Years God spent teaching me lesson after lesson, crumbling my entire "how to do life" narrative, and honestly probably making me more palatable to people (or not- I'm an acquired taste 😆).

The performing perfectionist, trying-to-be-in-control, hasn't worked hard enough to earn a break (and secretly judges everyone who takes a break for themselves out of sheer jealousy) was sent a swift kick to the derriere in the form of debilitating back pain. Honestly, I could laugh until I cry about how I have been sick to my stomach my entire life- spent decades just making sure that where ever I was going, there would be a working toilet in the very very near vicinity, and knowing I was going to puke and/or crap my brains out everywhere I went. And that level of illness still didn't stop me from being a dumb ass about allowing myself to rest. I've always said that God needs a sledgehammer to the skull with me to make things sink in. Well this time, it was a sledgehammer to the back that left me unable to physically stand up straight and not really able to walk, before I learned that sometimes I need to ask for help and I have to rely on other people. And there's not only no shame in that, but there's beauty. There's community. There's allowing other people to be there for me the way I love to be there for other people. I absolutely took that joy away from so many people for so many years. I had my first born, a 29 week preemie in the NICU for 2 months and I said NO when my friends asked if they could set up a meal train for me! WHAT IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD WAS MY PROBLEM!?!?! And then, because I didn't learn well the first time, I said no AGAIN when my son was born! I could cheerfully choke my past self honestly. I'm so so sorry to all of the wonderful people in my life that tried to help me out and I quickly said no, I'm good. I wasn't good. I was SO FAR FROM GOOD. But no one was allowed to know that. I put some ridiculous expectations on myself (still working on that). I never felt worthy enough to be fully loved, fully helped, fully seen. My inner monologue is such a jerk. 

I was born suuuuuuuuuuper sensitive to absolutely every teeny tiny little thing, including everyone's feelings. I read somewhere about "taking the temperature of the room and adjusting yourself to meet its need" and light bulbs flashed in my brain, along with a DING DING DING! That was exactly it. I believe we've established in other posts that I'm the canary in the coal mine. My face finds all the mold, all the chemicals, all the smells. It's a real weird skill and it makes going places hard because bloodhound nose is a whole entire thing. I also like to take on the emotions of everyone around me, and then try and fix all their problems. I'm a real delight. And somehow, in all of that, I forgot to check on me. I was at the very bottom of the list, undeserving of a fix, or support. It's not for lack of people trying, I just tried harder to always decline. 

But you can't say no to help (as much) when you have a 2 and a 5 year old, and you can't walk. or move a whole lot. And both of your kiddos are exceptional escape artists. And you live 12 hours away from family, and your husband travels a LOT for work. My neighbors and friends rallied in such an amazing way, even when my brain screamed that I COULD NOT be a burden on anyone. They plowed right through that crap. And I couldn't get up, so really how was I gonna stop them? It was amazing and humbling, and started me on a years long journey on how to learn to rest and receive help, especially in the middle of the hard. 

I've had social and general anxiety my entire life, and had no idea. I just thought everyone constantly worried about the eleventy million ways you could die in any given scenerio all the time. Catastrophizing is a real good time (a word I did not learn until I was in my 40's, even though I spent my whole life doing it, which is where talking about things and asking for help may have come in handy). Between my back situation, and the mold we were unknowingly living in in Charleston, the beast of anxiety thrived. Hubbs was in Seattle, I was laying in bed, and all the sudden my heart started racing and I was sweaty and my chest hurt. My hands and feet were tingly and numb and my stomach took a nosedive. I was convinced I was having a heart attack. I honestly did not think I was going to survive. I called my mom, hysterically sobbing and she prayed with me and tried to get me to breathe, while she booked a flight for that afternoon (have I mentioned that she is a saint?). That phone call was hard enough. Then she told me to call a friend to come over and hang out with the kids and so I felt safe with another adult in the house if something were to happen. Ummmmm....... no no, I don't do that. She insisted. I think picking up my phone and calling my friend Shannon was maybe one of the hardest and most humbling things I've ever done. She came immediately over with her kiddos, who were besties with my kiddos. And me being me, I tried to go downstairs and play hostess even though horses were galloping across my chest. She quickly told me to get upstairs, lay down, take a nap because I was having a panic attack, my very first one, and I needed to rest. My brain was so foggy, but I listened, and she stayed until my mom arrived and the kids had a blast because yay their friends were over and then they got to see Nana and I was in fetal position trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me and how could I possibly live my life like this? Why couldn't I just control this and power through? 

I think I spent my entire life telling God that he gave me enough strength to do everything on my own and I was in control of everything, and He kept trying, subtly, to let me know that I controlled nothing and it would be a lot easier if I would just accept the help he was providing. And then there was the less subtle. He threw in a car accident where I probably should have died but I walked away with a concussion and 2 black eyes. You would think that would have taught me some stuff. NOPE. Then I got pregnant with all of the puke and none of the glow that resulted in a placental abruption at 29 weeks that should have ended really badly. Instead I got a miracle babygirl who is thriving. Did I learn some lessons? Not so much. God needed to get unsubtle real quick. Taking out my ability to move was probably the only way I was gonna pay attention. 

I'm a reader/ researcher by nature, so I just started diving in. Getting every Christian book I could on anxiety, how to heal from trauma, how not to control everything, etc etc. I tried talk therapy and it never worked. For starters, halfway through I'd have to excuse myself because my stomach had other plans for me- and because I'm embarrassed about the 💩 situations, I would sit there sweating, waiting for the right moment to tell them that my butt was literally going to explode and I needed a few minutes. And second, I'm a tried and true people pleaser, and so obviously my job was to tell my story in a way that was highly entertaining, and insist that I was all better now. Those things don't affect me anymore. (I was disassociating from aaaaaaaaallllll of it- a word I didn't learn until a year ago and it would have been hugely helpful earlier in life). After a few weeks, my therapists would say I was all good and if I have anything else I need to talk about, just make a new appointment, but I seemed fine. And then I would return home and pretty much live as an agoraphobe. 

I was trying so hard to get out of my head, to not be afraid to get in the car and take the kids somewhere by myself. But I was stuck in so much fear. I was trying so hard to heal my son and I from the mold exposure. It absolutely wrecked us. He stopped growing. He wasn't talking. He wasn't wanting to eat at all. He didn't burp or fart and he didn't poop for days at a time. I felt even more sick all the time, and it seemed every week I would have a new scary reaction to a food or just the environment that previously had been fine. My lips and tongue would start swelling up. And I would have a panic attack because if my throat closed up, what were my kids supposed to do? Would they know to call 911? Would hubbs be able to get back quickly enough from work or where ever he was traveling so that he could take the kids? Would whoever took the kids know to always check boyfriend for choking, because he literally choked on every. single. bite. of food and of the toys he would put in his mouth. (both my kids gave me tiny heart attacks multiple times by stopping breathing and they're almost 13 and 10 now and I STILL check their breathing at night because mom is gonna mom). This was just constant. My body and my brain were so drained. 

Then hubbs said "hey wanna move to France for a few months?" and I said NO FREAKING WAY real quick. Because no is my go to answer. Because I was just starting to figure out how to deal with boyfriend who still wasn't really talking, escaped and hid ALL THE TIME, had meltdowns of epic proportions. It may not have been a healthy environment, but I was used to it, and the unknown is terrifying. How do we Asher-proof a hotel? (did I mention that he did in fact escape a hotel room once and made it all the way down the hall while I hobbled after him in my underwear because I was about to get in the shower? good times). But I thought about it (aka hubbs pushed for it a lot and promised me that he would do whatever he needed to make sure we had a safe place to stay there). And we lived just outside of Paris for 3 months. 

3 GLORIOUS months. We lived in a resort (which was cheaper than living in a hotel room in Paris itself!) which was basically a townhome right out of Beauty and the Beast. Also. We lived 5 minutes outside of Disney Paris. The food. The history there. Disney. The clean, mold free air. It was heaven. Boyfriend THRIVED. Did he still escape the townhouse? You bet! That kid can climb out of literally any window- even if said window is only supposed to open a few inches for safety purposes. Did I still have anxiety? Absolutely. Paris is magical, but not that magical (and one day I'm gonna write about all of our Paris adventures. Today is not that day). He was talking way more, he was trying more foods, we could go to Disney and like any young kid he could still have a meltdown, but it was less intense, even when waiting in lines. It became pretty clear that we needed to move out of South Carolina. Our cul-de-sac was amazing and full of the absolute best people. And we miss our friends down there fiercely. But getting the heck out of dodge was the right answer. We left Paris May 20th, 2019.... and we moved to Jersey August 2019. Hubbs got a temporary assignment in Philly, and we basically just prayed that from there he would find a permanent one. Because we had no intentions to move back down south. We found the perfect place to rent (a man who owned a bunch of restaurants had just renovated it with a chef's dream kitchen, there was no carpet and NO MOLD). And then we started looking for houses. 

I wanted to go smaller- the townhouse in Paris was so manageable cleaning wise, and I wanted to keep that vibe. I wanted to live in basically a warehouse or an old library- everything is wide open, except doors on bathrooms and bedrooms. I wanted a cul-de-sac, because it was such a great way for all the kids to hang out and play together. 

We searched and searched, and all of the places we were so excited about were a big fat no when we went to see them in person. There was this old 1800's farmhouse that had the most fantastic fireplace ever and I was so excited to check it out. I walked in, I still loved the fireplace, but I was also pretty positive that place was haunted, so hard pass. (That whole taking the temperature of the places I'm in? Sometimes it comes in real handy). 

There was one house that hubbs was the most excited about. I absolutely hated it. The pictures were just really old country decor, divided rooms not one big space, and it was almost 5,000 square feet. Literally the exact opposite of everything on my house wish list. But he said we should at least see it. Fine. We pull into the driveway and I started crying, looked at him, and said "This is home." 

Friends, this house literally has a door on every single room. It's giant. It SO wasn't my style. And I loved every single bit of it as we walked through. The opposite of everything I said I wanted. It was built in 1853, a working dairy farm for a very long time. And one of the most peaceful places I've ever been. We walked through in February. We put in an offer at the beginning of March 2020. And a week or so later, the country went into lockdown. God's timing is absolutely extraordinary. 

I plan on doing many posts about all of the farm projects we've embarked on. This home is a labor of love, one that has been surprisingly enjoyable, and we love it more and more every day. But that's for another time. 

I was out of the mold (mostly- we had some mold issues in this house, not nearly as bad (and the outside wasn't a moldy swamp). We are only an hour away from both of our families.  The pandemic meant that hubbs couldn't travel for work- he couldn't even go into the office for a very long time, so my heart was very happy. And still. I couldn't shake the anxiety, the incessant need to control everything, the fear that something terrible was waiting for us just around the corner. 

AAAAAAAAAAND there it is. After all the reading, all the working on myself, all the healing physically and emotionally. Turns out, at the heart of the matter is my waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because in my experience, it always does. And sometimes in big ways. 

I have one of those lives that is stranger than fiction. When I tell people about just a few of the things that have happened to me, they swear I'm making it up. A lot of it is funny now, just not so much at the time. 

I loved/ hated performing. I love singing and playing the piano, and I believe that God gave me a talent for it for a reason. Unfortunately, I hated doing it in front of other people (but I also loved getting applause sooooooo.... yeah. welcome to my brain). In my mind, I had to be perfect before anyone was allowed to hear me. Which made practicing tricky. And would also make me freeze up and refuse when anyone asked on a whim if I could play or sing them something. Let's just say that I used to practice for weeks before Christmas Eve, because I knew my family would want me to play Christmas music that we could all sing to, and I refused to do it if I couldn't do it perfectly (yes I'm shaking my head at how dumb that is, but again, welcome to my brain. it's a mess in here). When I was in probably the 4th or 5th grade, I was in a church Christmas pageant and had 2 lines that were fairly similar- one at the beginning of the play and then the other towards the end. I was great in rehearsals. The night of, I said the wrong line, and literally skipped at least half of the play. I can't remember if one of the adults led us back to the right spot so that the play made sense or if they just rolled with it, because I realized almost immediately what I'd done and was filled with the most amount of shame and guilt and embarrassment and swore that I was never going to be in another play ever again. And of course I couldn't tell anyone how embarrassed and ashamed I was. I never wanted to be a burden so I wanted everyone to think I was just happy all the time. Then there was the time I was in a county wide talent show, and instead of playing the piano myself, my teacher thought I should focus on singing and get an accompanist... and he lost his place in the middle of my song, so I finished it a capella with him trying at times to jump in but not able to. Again, suuuuuper embarrassed because it wasn't perfect (even though it wasn't my mistake). I couldn't see that it took guts to just keep singing. I just knew it wasn't perfect, and I never did win that county talent show in all the years I auditioned for it. Almost every time I was on the stage in high school, I fell, tripped, burped, had to puke. Every time I performed in any way, as a musician or a cheerleader, or playing sports in gym class, or just in general walking around and being alive, I embarrassed the crap out of myself. You'd think I'd learn to roll with it and laugh it off. But instead, I just drowned in low self worth. I was never going to be the girl who kept her cool, who was quiet and mysterious, who attracted boys with her effortless grace and beauty. I was the obnoxiously loud when she's nervous oversharer, who was sweaty ALL THE TIME, fell down for no discernable reason always, and who's stomach constantly made noises so loud you'd have thought I swallowed a microphone. Zero mystery, zero grace, lots of constant babble, and pit stains down to my hips. And just for funsies, my brain would replay on a loop all of the craptacular moments over and over and over again forever and ever 😏Should I mention how I was hanging out with a boy I liked in college and we were comparing stomach muscles (because why not I guess) and I told him to punch me in the stomach and then I farted when he did and I died of embarrassment on the spot and tried not to ever look at him ever again? Or when I was on a date and bit into a cherry tomato that shot across the table and landed in front of him, and then I never heard from him again? Or when I have a conversation with literally anyone my entire chest turns bright splotchy red because peopling is hard so why not make everyone think I have some weird rash disorder? Or the time I fell down the stairs in the center of a very crowded restaurant and everyone stopped and watched, or the time I fell down the stairs walking into the hall and down the aisle on my bridesmaid walk at my sister-in-law's wedding? And then, meeting up with all those same people a few weeks later, falling down while walking into a restaurant? This is just the tip of my iceberg of klutziness. I think God was trying to tell me to take life less seriously, but I missed that memo. My brain just insisted I couldn't do anything right, so not to even bother trying new things. I was a disaster with the things I was good at, hard pass at the new stuff thankyouverymuch. 

Apparently we're taking the scenic journey to the point. Hi, oversharer, party of 1. 

We spent a decent amount of time in high school trying to figure out why I felt so sick so often. Lots of different tests, putting cameras down my throat and taking pictures (they said my stomach looked like it went a few rounds with Mike Tyson), and they wanted to see if I had a dairy allergy. The day of my test, they called to cancel because apparently someone had stolen the breathing tube needed to take said dairy test so they couldn't administer it. Ok, that's ridiculous but also kinda funny (PS they never rescheduled the test). I was one of the youngest out of all my friends and they could all drive and I was so so so excited to get my license. I was going with my driving school instructor because my parents had either a giant cargo van or a stick-shift bronco, neither of which I could drive easily, so I had to take the test with my instructor's car. My 17th birthday, I'm all set. The instructor calls my house. She can't take me because the steering column of the car snapped in half the night before so the car wasn't driveable. Do you know how hard it is to snap a steering column in half? Pretty much impossible. And yet.... So I didn't get my license until about a month later. Odd and disappointing. After I crashed my beloved 1971 Chevy nova in the accident that should have taken me out, I got a Honda. I drove said Honda to a friend's house in a not so great area of Trenton so he could read the curriculum I was working on for the History of Rock n Roll class I was teaching at my new job. I left around 11pm, and while I was driving, my transmission fell out of my car. I managed to coast to a closed gas station, because this was before I had a cell phone. I used a pay phone to call AAA to tow my car to my parents house since my brothers could help me fix the car. We're going down 95, doing about 90, when I notice that his speech is becoming slurred, and then he's asleep. Like, totally out. So I'm talking to him louder and louder to try and wake him up as the truck is drifting across the lanes. I finally punch him in the arm and he startles awake and I say "Oh this next exit is my exit because we know the owner of a garage around here." Friends, I did not know any owner, and I certainly didn't know where in the world I was, but turns out I picked an exit in the middle of nowhere Jackson maybe?? that had zero places to pull over. Cell phones would have been really handy at this point. We finally see a gas station and he pulls in and I leap out of the truck and run to the payphone booth to call my parents and the police. And I'm watching him get out of his truck to unhook my car.... but he forgot to put the truck in park so now he's chasing his still moving tow truck through the parking lot. I honestly wish I was making this up. The police came to take the report and to let me sit in their car while my parents had to wake up and drive a half hour to come and get me. And then I got to borrow a car, my brother's clothes, and my mom's make-up that next morning so I could drive an hour and a half to the school I taught at. That one was traumatic and I honestly saw my life flash before my eyes on that ride. A few years into our marriage, we decided to take the motorcycle down to a well known bike rally in Oregon. I should point out that we are in no way biker people. Not even close. Stuck out like sore thumbs. We were in a bar, and all I wanted to do was go back to the hotel, so we all got ready to leave but of course I had to pee. I get out of the bathroom and everyone I was with was already outside. I'm trying to make my way there, but instead, there's a bar brawl in front of me. I'm trying to weave around it, but nope. One of the guys in front of me gets stabbed, and there's about 4 big guys carrying him to throw him out of the front of the bar, and I'm directly behind them. I am a very sheltered blonde (at the time) ex cheerleader and I am not prepared for anything that I'm seeing. I just want to make it out without also getting stabbed for being a witness. Just a sneak peek into the "you can't be serious" stories. So many more, but these are the big guys that stuck with me. The ones that make me think "if something absolutely nutso is gonna happen, it's gonna happen to me."

I never dated anyone in the military because I knew I couldn't handle long distance, but ended up marrying someone who travels all the time for work. All I ever wanted to be in life was a mom, and that journey started out with a bang at 29 weeks and a 2 month NICU stay and many heart stopping moments. And pregnancy 2 gave us the most incredible son who has special needs and no official diagnosis, who is just a literal ball of happy. My amazing family that looks different from most everybody elses.   

In my head, always, was the assumption that if something out of the ordinary, something that only a small fraction of people deal with, something that was left of center was going to happen, it would happen to me. It's been my life experience. Some of these things are funny anecdotes. Some of these things are traumatic or life changing. I can laugh now- I used to get pulled over all the time because a criminal stole my license plate number and "my car was wanted for murder in Oregon" (yes that's a thing that followed me around for a few years). But the time my blender exploded and rained boiling hot soup down on my son and I, resulting in 2nd degree burns and a 2 night stay in the Seattle burn unit with a 9 month old? That one'll stick. Heading to the airport to go on our honeymoon to Mexico just to be told that if we got on the plane, hubbs would be deported because he didn't have a passport? That stung, but we got 2 honeymoons out of it. Laid up on a PT table, all strapped in to what looks like a straight jacket and getting my back stretched out while boyfriend is strapped into his stroller (tightly) and girlfriend is showing him movies on the phone in the room with me, and suddenly he figures out how to escape the straps, opens the door and starts running while I'm physically unable to move at all so I'm just screaming for someone to please stop him because he's only 2 1/2 and if he gets on the elevator we're screwed? Praise God the therapist heard me and grabbed him when he got almost all the way down the hallway, then she stayed in the room for the rest of my session and I've never quite recovered from that near miss. 

Clearly, I'm not short winded. But all of this to say- stuff happened. Lots.  As a kid, and most definitely as a parent. I've read all the books and done all the journaling and as it turns out, I tick every box for the C-PTSD checklist. So I guess I'm not surprised that I have control issues. And that I have anxiety about the lack of control I feel in so many of these situations. 

What I am surprised about is how I never realized how much it affected intimacy in all of my relationships, including with God. How I try my best to not be fully vulnerable. How I've built this wall up so high for so many years, that almost everyone is an arm's length away. That I literally cry at E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G maybe because it's just all stored emotion that has nowhere else to go. That I only give one-armed hugs. Which sucks, who even does that!?! Why do I do that!?! That I am really good in a crisis- I was a boss with girlfriend's birth, boyfriend's burns and his broken femur. But I'm an anxious disaster in day to day. Like I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for the "other thing". Sidenote- that's not how faith is supposed to work either. 

After reading a devotional about the hope of prayer, it hit me like lightning. I subconsciously pray like I'm walking through a minefield. With all of the stranger than fiction things, it feels like if I speak it or think it or read about or put it out there, it will come true (only the bad stuff of course). So I tiptoe around prayer because I don't want to accidentally set off a landmine. Zero stars, do not recommend. kinda defeats the point of prayer and faith.

Because of all of the temperature taking, people pleasing empath skills, I've always been able to accurately predict what would happen in the future based on people's previous behaviors. Which contributes to the fear and the subsequent control because I don't want to "jinx" something into being true. 

Spoiler alert: GOD DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. Could somebody send the memo to my body? For example. I worked with special needs adults at a summer camp for 2 summers while I was in college. It was such an amazing, unforgettable experience, and I love those days so much. And in the back of my head, a little voice was saying "this will probably be your child." I was 19 so I knew absolutely nothing and I ignored it. Years later, I'm at a friend's house. Neither of us has children yet, but we know it's getting to be that time. She has the Jenny McCarthy book she wrote about her son's autism. I asked to borrow it, and that voice was back. "You'll need this." And I just knew somehow. I didn't say it out loud. I didn't want to know. But I think I knew that God was preparing my heart. And the thing is, I was created to be boyfriend's mom. I KNOW in my bones how to be his mom. And of course I've questioned sometimes if I'm doing the right things, but for the most part, I've stuck solidly with gut instinct in my parenting. And I have a feeling I never felt unprepared or surprised about my kiddos because of that still, small voice. I thank God for his still, small voice.... and somehow I also feel like "don't read anything upsetting because it's gonna play in my brain on a hamster wheel and then somehow come true." Again, not how God works. But then my brain does that stupid thing that it also does in fights with the hubbs where it remembers every last itty bitty detail of every little thing that ever happened in the history of ever and it uses that information to verbally club its opponent. Which in this case is also me. And I want to get off the hamster wheel. 

So I'm reading and I'm praying and I'm crying and I'm reading some more and I'm joining on-line Bible studies about untangling emotions and how trauma is a jerk and control costs you peace of mind and how everything we're going through has already been sifted through God's hands (thank you Rebekah Lyons because that nugget is GOLD) and I'm trying to let go and let God and I will always be a work in progress but maybe one day I'll be more open to leaving my house and trying new things and He has made beautiful things out of the dust and my story is just one of them and it's not finished yet.  

God wants good things for my life. I need to believe Him. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Even in a pandemic, I didn't blog. I'm the literal worst.

Being home all day, every day, for the last bit of forever, still somehow did not lead me to blog. I have zero excuses. I mean, I have *some* excuses, but I'll save them and just recap. Charleston was kicking my ass all over the place. Between the never ending mold, the humidity, and the excessive heat AT ALL MONTHS OF THE YEAR, I was D O N E. Hubbs' job had us relocate to just outside of Paris, France for 3 months (yes, we lived in France for 3 FULL MONTHS and I still have yet to blog about it because, again, literal worst.) We discovered that the fresh air, the mold free environment, and the food- good Lord THE FOOD- not only improved my anxiety, but had boyfriend absolutely blossoming. We agreed then that we needed to get out of SC as quickly as possible. It broke our hearts to leave our cul-de-sac crew. We could not have dreamed up a better group of people to neighbor with, and leaving them was gut wrenching. Leaving the house that spent 5 years trying to kill me? Not so much.

  Hubbs got a temporary (at first) position at the Boeing in Philly, and we moved back to where my heart has always called home- New Jersey. Don't laugh. It's gorgeous here and it's one of the most populated states, so, you know, we're right and Jersey rocks. It turns out that all those years Hubbs tried to get a position in Philly, his resume wasn't even looked at. When we got married, he was not a citizen of the US. A few months after we got married, he became a citizen.... and forgot to put that information into the Boeing system. As Philly is a military site, he couldn't get a job there. He became a citizen in 2006. He updated the Boeing system (accidentally) in 2019. Oops. Insert face palm here. Since neither of us wanted his commute to be an hour and a half, we decided to live in South Jersey, about an hour away from both of our parents. Jersey is a very small state. And somehow I had never been to south Jersey. I don't even understand the logistics of that, but it is what it is. We're finding it's an entirely different state over here....and also I can't stop referring to us as "up here" to everyone in our family when we are most definitely down and a little over, because directions are hard. We had a fantastic townhouse rental for the first year while waiting to see if the job would become permanent that had basically a professional kitchen (the landlord owns a bunch of restaurants). I will always and forever miss the fridge there. Le sigh.

We started looking at houses in February 2020. We saw a LOT. A ton that I thought I would love- open floor plans, newer construction, giant kitchens... and they all sucked. Like didn't take us more than a 5 minute tour to decide thanks but no. There was one farmhouse, from the 1850's, that I had my heart set on. THE FIREPLACE that had room for like 8 people inside of it. Dreamy. We finally got to see it...and I swear it was haunted. I could not get out of there fast enough. I have lived with enough ghosts (seriously) and I can not handle that ish right now. We had one more house to see. From the pics on zillow, I was 1,000% not interested. At all. It was of course hubbs' first choice. We pulled up, and it felt like home. It was a no brainer. Our 1853 farmhouse had been lovingly rehabbed by the people we were buying it from, and they stayed as true as they could to the original. They kept the original floors, and the walls that needed repair they kept plaster instead of dry wall. It used to be a 15 acre raw dairy farm, but there are only 3 acres now. We do have 2 giant barns and 2 huge silos which still contain a lot of old equipment, so huge win!

I still can't believe we live here. Also. If someone could give me some tips on how to turn my black thumb green, that'd be great. It seems like a huge waste to not be growing our own food since we have AN ORCHARD with all sorts of delicious fruit trees. But I'm the black plague of plantlife. Anyway, a whole separate post needs to be done on this house and all the work we've done and aaaaallllll the pics and how it's led to my obsession with Cheap Old Houses (who will hopefully be visiting us someday!). 


And not to be all cavalier about it, but I've been in some serious anxiety/ depression spirals these last few years. Turns out, trauma and mold and health scares and unknowns with your kiddos can build up and explode and leave you grateful for a pandemic where not leaving your house is recommended. Again, separate post for aaaallll of it. I'm grateful I can see the other side now, and aware I still have so much work to do. That was heavier than intended for a "hey remember me!?!?!?" post but here we are. 

And then there's these clowns.

Our circus has expanded by one old dog- an 8 year old lab/bull dog rescue who is the sweetest and also who murders the groundhogs on our property with little to no blood shed, so also very handy to have around. Girlfriend is an actual artist- her paintings, drawings, and cake decorations are mind blowing, and her love for all things animals knows no bounds. And boyfriend is still Houdini reincarnate, class clown and best smoosher. I may have had to drag hubbs back to the dirty Jers, but he's pretty excited about his giant garage and workshop so I think he's forgiven me. These peeps are my whole entire heart and I can't believe we have a 10 and 7 year old. On a farm. With a dog. Like, how???

 Buying and selling houses and moving amidst a pandemic was not as much fun as you'd think. But 2020 for us will always be the year we moved to our forever home. Life looks absolutely nothing like I thought it would 20 years ago when I met hubbs, but it turned out to be what we didn't know we needed. 💖

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Life is Lifey

Well. It's been over a year. And I think "perhaps I should just give up on this blogging thing", and then my mind spins at night with aaaaaalllllll the things I want and need to say. And I say "tomorrow morning I shall blog." And morning comes. And no blogging is accomplished. Because mornings are of the devil and I renounce them.

There are SO MANY THINGS to say. I'm not sure where to begin but here's a brief-ish rundown of life. Boyfriend turned 5 in March and remains mostly non-verbal (he chatters constantly, he sings songs with a lot of the words in them, he imitates girlfriend a lot, but there's not a ton of spontaneous talking in a language we understand going on). We missed his evaluation that we had to wait a year to get because we ended up MOVING TO PARIS for 3 months (there will be blogging on this FOR SURE coming soon) the day after it was scheduled and there was no way we could make the appointment. Which is now rescheduled for October. I have thoughts on this. Also, we found more mold in our house because of course we did. I've had lots of health nonsense and anxiety and adrenal fatigue and guilt over all of it. We've taken a break from the myriad of supplements for boyfriend and I, and a break from the diets (because hello France!). My favorite phrase has been "opt out" and I *may* have overused it a bunch this past year- ie opting out of answering my phone, going out in public at all, being social...  So, you know, super healthy.

I turned 40 September of 2018, and as a surprise, the hubbs scheduled a weekend away for me with my Rain City girls in Seabrook, WA. Booked my flight, and contacted them to help work the details for a beachy vacay. He gave me the gift in August and told me I had a month to get my shit together, get over my anxiety, and get ready to finally get the break that I desperately needed. Cut to me having mini panic attacks over leaving my children overnight for the very first time and being 3,000 miles away. Plus, I'm the wooooooorst traveler. I used to have no issues (except motion sickness, but that's what Bonine is for). But now? I rely on hubbs to help navigate my ridiculous anxiety about everything and to hold my luggage while I go puke. The week before the trip, I got a UTI, which I have NEVER EVER HAD BEFORE IN MY LIFE. I took all the natural things to make it go away, but my kidneys started to really hurt. So during a hurricane when nothing else was open I went to the ER. And they gave me antibiotics. Which wrecked my whole digestive system and left me not able to get out of bed. I only took the meds for 3 days, left one day for my body to hopefully return to semi-normal, and I got my ass on that plane. There was a ton of dry heaving and crying. But I did it. And it was one of the best weekends of my life. My girls are amazing. The ocean air was refreshing (AND NOT A THOUSAND DEGREES!!). It was exactly what I needed, and I would like a weekend away every month.

The best way to enter my 40's!

I had my first thermography scan done. I didn't want to do a mammogram- all that radiation and the rates on detection are not that great. And honestly, with all of my issues with endometriosis and digestive troubles, I'm thinking I've got other body parts I need to worry about. The scan covered every little bit of my body, was painless (although you do stand naked in a room getting pics taken for about an hour, but it was way less awkward than I thought it would be), and happily the only issue it showed was that my entire back is a hot mess of spasms, which is not surprising.

I also started seeing a counselor for my anxiety. Just talking to her lifted a large elephant off my chest. Enough that I decided to take the kids to the beach by myself while the hubbs was traveling. I quickly realized why I don't do that solo- boyfriend put on quite the show when I tried to drag his fully dressed body out of the ocean (it was late October), and I threw out my back getting his kicking and screaming self back to the car. And of course, no one stared judgementally at us at all.  But hey. I did it.

And I've done A LOT of reading. I mean, I love reading, I love researching, but MAN I've done a crap ton of not for fun reading. Along with homeschooling with a new (and AMAZING) curriculum, The Good and The Beautiful. I've been looking into red light therapy, oxygen therapy, a trillion different things to get boyfriend talking, to figure out how to make my body deal with heat again. How to detox again from mold. But most importantly, reading all sorts of stuff for boyfriend.

So. My thoughts. We're obviously aware that boyfriend is different from "typical" kiddos. He's definitely delayed in some areas- talking is the most noticeable. He's advanced in climbing, Houdini-ing his way out of things- especially those that are safety related, taking apart and putting together all the things, and hiding really really well. He has a laser focus with puzzles and figuring things out. All traits he shares with his older sister, who also didn't really talk until she was 3.

He makes great eye contact with daddy, sister and I. Not always with other people. But I have this same issue- I still find it SO challenging to make eye contact, especially that lasts for more than a second or two. Until fairly recently, we weren't getting much in the way of listening from him. But now he follows directions and doesn't try to run away. We can take walks now and he mostly stays with us. Which is a huge change. Thank God, cause there are only so many tiny heart attacks I can have on a daily basis. He has his fair share of meltdowns and tantrums. Partly from not being able to just say what he wants...although he does a real good job of letting us know what he's after without using words. Lucky for me, I'm able to comfort him really quickly. Not so fortunate for others who have tried to watch him. He imitates other kiddos and usually likes to play with them, although there are times he'd rather just do his own thing (like mamma like son). He knows the alphabet and how to count to twenty, and actually count things, not just say the numbers. He's not potty trained yet. That's sort of on both of us. I'm reluctant to push it when he can't tell us when he has to go AND I just got his pooping to where it needs to be, going every day. He was an every 3rd day pooper, leading to SIBO and gut nonsense. I don't want to rock this boat because I will cry all the tears if he starts holding his poop. I've dedicated YEARS of my life to being a poop doula and I'm 100 hundred percent all done with that. So if he stays in diapers a little longer, so be it. He loves being naked, and hands us a diaper when he has to go. But he refuses to go on the potty. He'll just hold it and hold it. So here we are.

I've been reading the book "Differently Wired" which I absolutely love love love. Based off of the descriptions in her book, and some of the checklists I've completed, to me it seems like boyfriend has a global delay and SPD. Obviously I'm not an expert, but I am an expert on boyfriend. And reading this book has given me confidence that yes, I do know what's best for my son. And it's helping me really stop and think about what is best for him (and for me, as his parent). I see that he gets overwhelmed with too much stimulation, noise and sight. We discovered this in DisneyLand Paris for sure. His little heart is so so sensitive. He does not like to be yelled at. It shatters him completely and he shuts down. So if we want him to learn not to do something, shouting is not the way to go. Unless he's about to run into traffic.

And I'm also learning that I don't always know everything, and trying new things for him isn't a bad thing and my anxious brain just needs to settle the hell down. I was convinced that 4th of July fireworks at a crowded boardwalk was a recipe for disaster. But hubbs convinced me to try it. And he loved every single second of it. Finding the balance of what gets me anxious vs what are good experiences for him is frickin hard. And we've blown it plenty of times (can anyone say DON'T TAKE YOUR 5 YEAR OLD ON THE TOWER OF TERROR??)

Combine all of this with my crunchy, hippy, European take on schooling (see studies on Finland schools for instance, where they don't start until age 7 and they learn through play and they have some of the smartest kids on the planet right now) and what most parents are doing for their kids, and what we come up with is a constant battle in my brain questioning my gut instincts.

Brain- wow. all these people getting their kids into therapies and classes by the time they're 2 and 3 to get them to talk sooner. Maybe I should look for a specialized preschool? Should we do more speech and OT? should he be going 4 days a week?

Gut- hold up. He gets anxious when he's away from you for too long. You can't learn anything when you're stewing in panic. He's fabulous at independent play. He taught himself the alphabet and numbers. He's a really happy kid. Chill.

Brain- but this is scary! What if he never talks? What if he never potty trains? What if he never likes The Haunted Mansion?

Gut- he's saying words now. He even said "I want chocolate cookie". He's on his way to talking. And he always lets us know what he wants. You read him like a book. And he will not always want a diaper. Diapers suck. He'll figure it out. And some people hate rides. It happens. Life continues.

Brain- *asks a million more questions at really inopportune times and makes gut have excessive nervous poop. Brain needs to calm the eff down.

Add in a bunch of similar nonsense regarding girlfriend, my health, the state of our country, and "what was that noise" and that's basically the hamster wheel that is my brain.

All this to say, every body is different. Every personality is different. And yes, boyfriend is delayed, but also what if it's ok and acceptable for people to learn differently?

So. What was my point? I don't even know anymore. A post to say that life is lifey, and adulting is hard, and we've been adventuring, and I'm sorry it's been so ridiculously long. And thanks for giving me a space to work out all the angst in my brain.

Until I find another hour or two after bedtime, I'll leave you with a gratuitous France pic...

or 2.

Monday, March 19, 2018

SIBO- Because life wasn't interesting enough...

Well folks. It's pretty clear I suck at keeping up with this blog. It seems we keep finally mastering (or at least having some semblance of calm) about one crazy phase of life, when the next, more insane phase comes around to kick us right in the arse.

Currently, that phase is known as SIBO. That stands for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. This is one of those tricky things that can only be officially diagnosed via a 3 hour breath test, but a lot of markers for it show up in an intense stool sample. I say intense because it requires 3 separate days of multiple poop samples on each of those days. I had to take this test, as did boyfriend. And though it seems like I may have it, it's almost certain that Asher does. My almost 4 year old. Who is still not really communicating. And who loves all things cracker and chip-y. Which are forbidden on the suuuuuuuuper restrictive diet to treat SIBO. And here we go.

On top of this, he for sure has leaky gut, is leaking toxins, and his body is not absorbing any fats or proteins. Not awesome. But starts to explain a LOT about why he's not developmentally where he should be when it comes to the talking. Since your brain is 60% fats, and he's not getting any....also explains why he's on the small side.

Since we have been an all organic, mostly no processed foods family since girlfriend's surprise arrival in August of 2011, it seems a bit surprising that his little gut is in such turmoil. Of course, he did get some of this from me. And the aspirin I had to take every day of my pregnancy with him to prevent blood clots (thus preventing another placental abruption) probably didn't help. But I believe our fun little bout with mold helped to destroy his digestive system over the year and a half that we were unaware of it. Mold is a rat bastard and it has sucked the literal life out of our family and I'm ALL FREAKING DONE WITH EFFING MOLD. Though it seems I am not, cause here we are, still trying to get back to 100% health.

And honestly? I'll take this ALL DAY LONG over something that isn't fixable. I thank God daily that we figured this out early in the game so he's not plagued by life long stomach issues like his mamma. Ones that could lead to auto immune diseases if not kept in check. That when the autism word was thrown around last year while trying to figure out why he wasn't talking, that we didn't just say "OK" and not look any further about other health things. It's awfully hard to try to figure out what's wrong with your child when they can't communicate at all if something is wrong. If their tummy hurts. If certain foods make them feel gross. Luckily my kiddos are not pukers at all. But it makes it hard to know if there is tummy trouble. I waited entirely too long to do it, but I finally went with my gut and decided to check out his.

Did I in a million years think it would be this bad? Nope. Not even a little. His doc said that she's never seen the leaky gut numbers (there's an official name, that I think starts with a Z?? I don't know...) that bad. Did I think that when we decided to do a stool test for him it would launch us into a diet that makes it virtually impossible to eat out (which makes it pretty impossible to travel) and that would have him taking eleventy million supplements twice a day? I knew there might be some changes we had to make, but man I was not prepared for this.

The first sign that this was gonna be difficult? The SIBO diet does not allow any garlic or onion. NO. GARLIC. OR. ONION. What in the whole wide world is this nonsense? Find one food that isn't made with garlic or onion! Gah!!

But we've been figuring it out. With the help of the SIBO specific diet food guide I've been figuring out ways to make our food still yummy. And to add in a crap ton of sneaky veggies into everything. Because boyfriend has never been a fan of fruits and veggies, but his organs are pretty pissed about it, apparently.

One trick is making garlic infused olive oil for flavor. The other is you can use the green tops of scallions and chives in place of onions.

I've been posting the successful recipes on facebook and pinterest. My hope is that I can get more detailed recipes here. In between trying to shove all the syringes full of all the supplements into boyfriend's mouth 80 times a day. Ha!

But for now, I leave you with a recipe I came up with for smothered pork chops because I needed comfort food. And this did NOT disappoint.

"bread" the pork chops with almond flour, salt and pepper. Brown them in a cast iron skillet with EVOO. Remove from pan. Add some butter and some more almond flour- I think I used 2 to 3 tbsps of butter and probably 2 tbsps of almond flour. Then add pureed 1 yellow squash, 1 zucchini, and a bunch of green scallion tops. Add some dry mustard and sage. Then add bone broth (SIBO only allows you to use bone broth from beef because there is almost no cartilage on them). Add the pork back in and cook on low until meat is done. I served it with some roasted carrots and an arugula salad. I topped mine with feta cheese (not SIBO approved) but raw aged cheddar is and that would have been delish as well. Boyfriend is not a huge cheese fan so he didn't want the cheese.

This was stupid good. Seriously. Ava drank the gravy. And all the sneaky veggies in that gravy. Mwa-haha. Mamma's learned some tricks.

EDITED- I should add that since we've started the diet, the supplements, and doing an activated charcoal detox for him, boyfriend has made some HUGE strides in both speaking and in following directions and communicating. It's been pretty amazing, so I'm willing to do whatever it takes to continue!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Been a long time gone (or, why my brain hasn't really been functioning)

Yup. Forever. Once again, how long it took me to post. Not entirely my fault (some Blogger alternate universe loophole is that trying to access Blogger through Chrome means you no longer have a dashboard or any way to get to your blog. GOOD TIMES!) Technology is amazing. Except for when it doesn't work. Which is almost all the time in this house.

I digress.

I have been meaning to post about our fun little 8 week journey with a 3 year old in a full body cast at the height of the summer due to a broken femur. We found some fun tricks that helped us survive and not deal with the dreaded enema/ constipation nightmare that is typical of full body cast life. I will write this post one day. Hopefully in the near future.

Today, however, is reserved for the fun detour my health took and all the ways it made me a ball of stabby anxiousness.

So let's just jump right in, shall we?

For starters. People ask (and honestly I have contemplated this late at night too) "If you only eat organic, mainly non processed foods, and use all natural cleaning/ hygiene/ medicine products, why on earth are you so sick all the time?" This is the 6 million dollar question, friends. And though every body will have a different answer to this question, the overall reason is this-  because I am more in tune now with my body than I have ever been. I have cleaned up and out nastiness from years of chemical use on and in my body. So now, when I'm feeling "off", I try to solve the underlying issue, instead of masking the symptoms with more chemicals. Quick example. I used to have the absolute worst heart burn. My gastroenterologist put me on a prescription in a purple bottle (it's been a while and I'm totally blanking on the name of it). It helped for like, a week. And then it was even worse. I read up on it and realized that taking that pill daily was making the heart burn worse because it was blocking my body from making the acid necessary to break down foods. However, my body knew it needed acid to break down food with, and so made even more acid to make up for what the pill was blocking. A hellish circle of heartburn. So I started taking Braggs apple cider vinegar. And within a week, was feeling relief. Now I don't suffer from heartburn at all. (I don't understand all the science behind why something acidic like vinegar heals the heartburn issues. I don't science) So when the average person feels like crap, and the doc prescribes something that really only masks symptoms, down the road they could end up discovering they have cancer. Or an autoimmune disease. Or have a stroke. It feels like it comes out of nowhere, but maybe it's been building up all this time, little by little. Dealing with health stuff the way we do it sometimes means I'll feel real shitty for a while, but I'll be able to clear out whatever garbage is happening in my body, hopefully avoiding it getting to a serious health crisis place that's hard to cure.

There were a million and one things in my BO (Before Organic) life that I not only was able to deal with, but looooooved. Fabric softener, perfume, windex, scented candles, febreeze. Now, if I get a whiff of that stuff, it's instant pounding headache. Once you kick chemicals out of your life, your body does NOT want them back in. I happen to be ridiculously sensitive to all of it, but every crunchy person I know is the same way.

So, on this large scale overview of my body- I was starting to feel like utter garbage, and finally decided to get to the bottom of it.

From January 2017 through September 2017, the whole family was on a gluten, wheat, egg, peanut, chia seed, green pea, cashew, and watermelon free diet. We sent in a blood test for my son, which came back that he was highly intolerant to all of those things, plus a few other random ones. It was a huuuuuuuge change, and not well liked by any of us. We mastered it after a while, and boyfriend did  well on the diet. We finally started re-introducing those foods back in and he was fine with all of it.

I, on the other hand, was tanking fast.

I had stopped nursing boyfriend in June. And after 6+ years of either being pregnant or nursing, with no breaks, my hormones went ape shit. Off the walls insanity. My moods were uncontrollable, my period and ovulation were a nightmare (1 week of vomiting and constant nausea for period and for ovulation.) 2 full weeks every single month where I was completely non functioning. I had gained weight on the Asher diet, and felt awful every single time I ate. Those gluten free flours do not do well in bodies that don't have a gluten intolerance. Definitely more harmful than helpful.

And the surprise. My anxiety kicked it up into high gear. Looking back on my life, I realize that I've had low grade anxiety always. I never realized this. I thought it was totally normal to poop 12 times before you left the house to go anywhere, or always get nauseous when you have conversations with people (even friends and family). Or that everyone jumped straight to "they must have gotten in a car wreck and are lying on the side of the road because I called a half hour ago and still haven't heard back from them" (did I mention that I'm a sheer delight to be married to?) Suddenly, what was once my fun little quirk to deal with became crippling. It absolutely got worse after my back injury, mainly because I couldn't physically run after my kids and I have a son who's sole purpose in life is to run away from us and hide. But I still managed to meet up at a park every once in a while. Or take them food shopping. I stopped taking them or myself anywhere outside of our house without the hubbs. Which obviously put a ton of pressure on him. It didn't help that in the midst of this nonsense, he started traveling a ton for work. In the middle of September, he had to fly to Seattle for a week. I got my period, was literally throwing up as he was leaving for the airport, and I just started to spiral. My head and my arms went all tingly and numb, I couldn't really take deep breaths, and I showed girlfriend how to dial 911 and wrote down our address so she could spell it out for them if she couldn't wake me up. It was B A D. I called my mom and begged her to get on a plane and fly down- and she did because she is a saint and has a seat right next to Jesus saved for her. I called my friend Shannon and asked if she could come hang out with the kids until my mom got there, in case I passed out. And these are BIG STEPS for me. I never ask for help. It physically pains me to ask for help. This situation was dire. I really thought I might be dying.

Turns out, that's a panic attack. I had no idea. I truly believed that I would not be able to take care of my kids by myself. I could barely get out of bed. It became pretty clear that I needed to get to the bottom of my health issues, and probably start some counseling as well.

I set up an appointment with Merge Medical Center, which is a holistic center that tackles all sorts of stuff. They take a lot of tests, but it gives you the whole picture of what's going on. I also scheduled a Brain MRI, on the off chance that there was something going on since I have a blood clotting condition and my headaches and numbness and dizziness were freaking me right out.

A stool test, Bio scan, consultation going over every single thing that's every happened to me in my entire life, and 4 gallons of blood later, it turns out that I was a mess. I was in some serious adrenal fatigue- so every tiny little thing sent my fight or flight response into complete nuclear meltdown. My hormone levels were jacked up (I made zero estrogen the day they took my blood, which is pretty abnormal for my age). And I have a lot of infections in my gut and large intestine, and no good bacteria in my gut at all. It was no surprise then, that I was constantly feeling nauseous and panicked and moody and stabby. It was also clear that this was not gonna be an easy quick fix. The amount of supplements and vitamins I am taking, along with avoiding all sorts of random foods that were contributing to the near constant dizziness I was experiencing, is a little overwhelming, to be honest.

However. I'm seeing improvement. Every month, each period gets better and better. I have been able to take care of the kids while hubbs has been traveling without a panicky meltdown. I've been getting acupuncture to try to kickstart my hormones, and it has been fabulous. My body is starting to be able to handle heat again. Which is good news for my family, who wasn't particularly enjoying our 60 degree house in the winter time. (It still doesn't go above 65, because I'm part polar bear).

All this to say, it's been another crazy year here in Charleston. It certainly has not been uneventful down here. But I'm beyond grateful that there is a place like Merge, that looks at your entire health system to diagnose you. There is SUCH a strong bond between gut and mental health. So many functions are affected when your gut health is not up to par. Which is why we just took boyfriend there for a workup. I have a feeling we're gonna find some garbage in his gut. And once we get that cleared up, I think we'll see huge improvements in his speech and sleep habits.

If we're real lucky, maybe he'll stop always trying to escape. One can dream.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Someday I'll get my ish is not that day

For. The. Love.

I mean, really. Another 5 (oops. When I started perhaps. Now it's like 8) months have gone by. And I haven't posted once. I haven't even contemplated posting. I am the literal worst.

Seems like life keeps throwing punches that leave us scrambling to catch up. In the great "what next in craptacular" saga that is our house... we found mold. Again. Or still. Who even knows. Hubbs and I had a *bit* of a tiff over the leak in the master bath and whether or not it was bad. I maaaaaybe yelled, a lot, that my swelling tongue and lips don't lie and there is still mold and he maaaaybe got fed up with said yelling. And perhaps grabbed a hammer and tore into the tile on the shower and tub out of spite.  And, it's entirely possible that we both went "oh shit" as we surveyed damage we had no idea we would find at a time where we had zero things lined up to fix it. Sooooo......yay. And onto searching for new everything, including subfloor, and someone to install it all.

It occurred to me that since we had everything all ripped open that perhaps we should treat the beams for mold because I never want to have to deal with this nonsense again. So I googled all the things to kill mold. Apparently, KILZ  doesn't cut it. There was one treatment and paint that it said worked, but the paint alone was over $300. Then I stumbled onto Green Home solutions. They're a green company that performs mold air quality tests (for $200 less than the other crap company we used and a hell of a lot more thorough) and they fog your house with a chemical free enzyme that eats and destroys mold. They spray down your furniture, curtains, clothes, EV-ER-Y-THING. And it doesn't need to be taken to a cleaners afterward because it's all natural. And so we had it done. And NOW we are officially mold free.

Cut to a month later. We've been out of our master bedroom and bathroom since February. Finally found a contractor. And BOOM. our upstairs HVAC system crapped out. Turns out, we had different sized air intake and compressor. Meaning it never should have worked (it really never did, hello ridiculous electric bills and a never cool enough upstairs)  and it should have died a looooong time ago. Awesome. So we purchased a brand new system. Bleeding money.

Father's day weekend. Where somehow everything went wrong. Hubbs got poison ivy. We still don't know from where. I kept him far from the kids. But one night boyfriend developed a fever. And then. This.

I mistook it for poison ivy at first. But NOPE. Both the kids managed to get hand foot and mouth. Thankfully, they were mild cases. So I sequestered us to one room. And at some point, I managed to jack up the good side of my back. Had nerve pain and leg weakness. Went for an MRI. And yup. Some of the "jelly" squished out of my bulging disc on the right side and the fragment was sitting on my nerve. Soooooo.....bed rest mostly. No lifting, no twisting, no bending.  Awesome. 

" The room."
Girlfriend decided her new favorite was to dress up boyfriend and teach him how to dance. Also. Boxes as toys. All. Day. Long.

So Nana flies down to help take care of 2 restless kiddos to try and heal up my back, cause I can't walk or stand for more than 10 or so minutes on what was previously my fully functional side. Thursday, my son decided to climb down the slide in our house (daddy built an amazing play area inside) while holding a giant toy. He fell off sideways, landing in their box fort that had a plastic chair in it. Snapped his femur. And now, we have this.

Full body cast for 6 weeks. Can't get wet or sweat (ummmm.... hi from 100 degree humid South Carolina days). Not too much movement. Changing his diaper is now an Olympic sport. He refuses to poop unless he's standing up. Oh yeah. And I CAN'T LIFT ANYTHING.  So, you know, totally doable. 

In a nutshell, we cray. And life doesn't look like it will resume normalcy anytime soon. 

But our new bathroom is pretty. (Thanks, Nick of All Trades!)

So. If you don't hear from me, here's why. I don't even know if I had a chance to write about our adventures with boyfriend's food intolerances diagnosed in January. We've been gluten, egg, coconut, peanut, green pea, cashew, wheat, chia, and watermelon free since then. YEAH. I KNOW. 

I actually ended up baking some pretty delish focaccia and biscuits and other stuff. I posted on my Facebook page and perhaps one day I'll get around to getting the recipes online here. Today is not that day. This year is not that day. We may need to get an exorcism for our house at this point. 

So. How's your summer?? 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Well, it's been a while....and also Osso Bucco in the Instant Pot

Hi (she says sheepishly...)

I know. I KNOW. I'm the worst. It's been 8 months. Or something. I don't math.

Anyway. I have valid reasons. Scattered along with laziness, sickness, and "this all just sucks right now"- ness.

Here's the short scoop- my health has been taking a nosedive for over a year now. My back, then constant nausea and dizziness, then we added in headaches, threw in some stomach flu (which fixed everything for approximately 2 weeks, then it all returned with a vengeance), and for the grand finale, an allergic reaction that led to my cheeks, lips, and tongue swelling up for mysterious reasons. That was a bit terrifying. Which led to allergy testing via a million skin pricks, which brought out THE WORST allergies I've ever had in my life- itchy eyes, itchy mouth, crazy sneezing, and now a complete inability to wear eye makeup. (For those that know me, I have NEVER LEFT MY HOUSE WITHOUT MASCARA EVER EVER. because I look like a hairless cat. And I've now gone out IN PUBLIC. TO FUNCTIONS. INCLUDING NEW YEAR'S EVE without any on. which makes my vain self weep).

I digress. Obviously, I tried to figure out all the things that could be making my poor body suffer this way. And in asking on our neighborhood facebook page, someone suggested we have our air conditioning ducts cleaned. So I set up the appointment- because Lord knows the previous owner was a hot mess and probably never had it done. And what did we discover?

MOLD. Mold all over and through our ac units, airducts, and vents. FRICKING. MOLD. And funny enough, you know what all those skin prick allergy tests showed? That I'm allergic to indoor mold. I'm in the fun 25% of the population who, when exposed to mold, instead of their bodies attacking the spores and making me healthy, my cells start attacking my other cells. Leading to crazy amounts of inflammation (hello unexplained inflammation found in my gut after a stool test- high levels are 100-200 and mine was 465), dizziness, headaches, lack of remembering things, lack of developing (hi from my almost 3 year old non talker). ALL OF IT.

I'm not gonna even get into many details- that's for another post, when I can address all the things we've done, and are still doing, to work this mold out- because we're still in the throws of making sure it's nowhere else in our house, and detoxing from the YEAR AND A HALF that mold spores blew down on us constantly. It's a long, and crazy expensive process.  So yeah. looking forward to writing that post.


I finally listened to my gut, and got little man blood tested for food allergies. He only poops once or twice a week, he's become really picky about food and fights eating, he has that red ring around his little butt hole, and he has patches of bumpy skin- not a rash or red, just raised. And we discovered that he is off the charts for gluten, wheat, bran, and really high for coconut, peanuts, eggs, chia seeds. You know. All the stuff he eats and bathes with.  Perfect.

So, in the midst of evacuating our house a million times (mold, hurricanes, Thanksgiving....) we got an Instant Pot. Which has been A-MAAAAYYYYYY-ZING. And now, I get to figure out how to make all the things that boyfriend can eat.

So here is my first (intentional) gluten free meal- Osso Bucco. I, as usual, like to borrow recipes from my (in my head) friends at The Chew and The Food Network. (Yes I daydream about being besties with all of them, and being on The Chew and cooking with Michael Symon would complete my whole life- #squadgoals).

Michael Symon's Osso Bucco. It looked so amazing, but I was super feeling a more tomato based meal. So I stole some of his elements and added them with Mario Batali's Osso Buco. (Side note: I have no idea why they are spelled differently. It's one of the things that drives me slightly batty about The Chew website. However, their recipes are always without a doubt the most delish way to cook food ever ever, so I forgive them).

So between that, and using my knowledge of how the IP works, I came up with this:

- a big hunk of pork butt (who even has the money for that much veal after Christmas? And pork is fattier- my fave). I used 4 pounds and cut in half to brown better
- 1/4- 1/2 cup white wine
- 1 jar (18 oz) whole peeled tomatoes
- 1 cup bone broth
- squirt of anchovy paste- literally a drop or two of it
- 1 tbsp capers
- 1 sweet onion (it's what I had), chopped up
- handful baby carrots, cut in half
- a few cloves of garlic
- dried thyme, to taste (didn't have any fresh on hand)
- 2 tbsps butter (always always always Kerrygold- it'll change your life)
- extra virgin olive oil
- zest of one lemon
- 1 parmesan rind (cause I had it and it sounded good)

Before I tell you the steps I will say it was a hair more liquidy than I would've liked, so I might not add quite as much liquid as that. And as much as I super love chunky tomatoes in things like this, I think using crushed tomatoes might have served me better here, to spread out the tomato flavor throughout. I mean, it was DELISH. But everything can be improved on.

So I throw in some olive oil and brown up the salt and peppered pork. Then remove. Throw in a tad more oil and the butter and add my onions, carrots, a little more salt and pepper, and the thyme.  Let it go for a few minutes then add in the garlic (here's my fun, garlic trick, so it's always easily and readily available- it's the 2nd half of the post. and also a trick I learned on The Chew. Shocking), and the anchovy paste (usually sold near the tomato paste. and I don't like fish at all, but it does add a nice depth of flavor. a little bit goes a long way.) A little tomato paste at this point would also work really well if you felt so inclined. Let that cook for a minute, then throw in your white wine and deglaze- make sure to scrape all the good bits up off the bottom of the pan. There lies all your flavor. Add the bone broth and the tomatoes (Jovial is my favorite brand- tomatoes from Italy, organic, AND they don't add in any flavors. I LOATHE when every single stupid brand adds basil. WHY!?!? WHY DO THEY DO THIS!?!?). Zest your lemon right in there, then throw the pork, and all the juices that accumulated in whatever holding vessel it was in, and add the parmesan rind.

We decided to let this slow cook for about 6 hours while we were out. We came home and discovered that it was delicious, but not as fork tender as we would like. (that was at about hour 5). So we pressure cooked it for about 25 minutes. That did the trick.

Then I hit saute to get the sauce to thicken up a bit.

And made my polenta while waiting. I still make it on the stovetop. I have reservations about making it in the Instant Pot, because I like to control the thickness- I love a creamy polenta. Also, I only have one instant pot. So here's my no fail base for polenta/ grits. It's Robert Irvine's recipe, and it's always a winner-

1 cup bone broth (or stock)
 1/2 to 1 cup milk (or heavy cream)
good hunk of butter (tbsp or 2)
about 1/2 cup of fine ground corn meal (DON'T add all at once- I don't think I ever actually need that much).

I throw in the broth, milk and butter and bring to a gentle boil. Then I slowly slowly slowly whisk in corn meal little by little. It thickens up a lot as it cooks so when I say slowly, I mean about 1 or 2 tbsps at a time, whisk well for a minute or 2, then add a little more.  Once you get it to the consistency you want, add in your salt and pepper, and any cheese you would like to use. For this, we used pecorino romano (you can get a giant hunk of the Locatelli one at Costco. SO GOOD.)

And then. Plate.

Unbelievably good.

So I hope that was helpful. I'm an Italian cook for sure- everything is "quanto basto" (to taste).  So maybe writing recipes isn't really my forte. Ha!


Monday, April 11, 2016


So this has been a long time coming. I have been SUCH a slacker about this blog. There have been a few times were I made something that was deliciously fantastic, and started to blog about it, and didn't get around to finishing. I just have not had it in me.

The scoop. Last April, while we were house hunting, I was ergo wearing my 1 year old. For at least 10 hours a day. While standing and looking at homes. On the plane ride home I noticed that my back was killing me and would not settle down. Our chiro tried working on it, but nothing was really helping. He said he thought it could be a disc issue....but then we moved to Charleston, and I started to see another chiro.

After about a month, my new chiro, Dr. Kukes of Elite Health solutions, said the same thing and I went for an MRI in early September. And what he said was "I have never seen an MRI this bad with the amount of flexibility and movement you have." Basically, it's because I have 2 toddlers and zero choices about being able to move around and function. I wasn't letting it effect my life. I was just pushing through the pain and doing what I needed to do.

With 3 bulging discs, but still able to walk, stand, and do life, I was doing all the natural things I could think of to fix the problem.  I drank warm lemon, cayenne pepper, black pepper, & turmeric water every morning. I took 4 fish oils (omega 3's), 3 hemp oils, 2 BCQ supplements, and a raw vitamin d supplement to help stop inflammation. I did all the stretches I'm supposed to, I foam rolled, I stayed as active with walking as I could. I did acupuncture. I drank all the anti-inflammation smoothies. I did not, however, stop picking up my son. I also occasionally still stuck him in the ergo because desperate times and all. I did not stop DOING ALL THE THINGS, or even slow down doing them, because of pain.

By Christmas time, it was definitely not feeling great, but I thought since we were going up to Jersey for 2 weeks and the hubbs was off from work that I'd get a nice relaxing break- no cooking, no cleaning, help with running after the small one. I also got a super intense deep tissue massage right before we left. Christmas break was supposed to be my saving grace.

Instead- the massage made me a little achey. The tightness in my hip was apparently keeping everything in check. And the cold weather seeped into my bones, and I suddenly started to notice where they said my disc had completely degenerated in the form of a bone-deep, arthritic ache that nothing could touch.

The drive home was unpleasant. And during those 12 hours, hubbs and I discussed our plan forward for life. By the end of the Jersey trip, in order to stand up straight and walk, I had to lay down and stretch for at least 10 minutes. Even after I would just go to the bathroom- any kind of sitting meant I had to start all over again with the stretching to get me totally straight again. But once I got walking, I was fine. But we both decided that it wasn't really feasible to continue life with 2 active kiddos that way. And we agreed that perhaps now was the time to call in the hail mary and get the cortisone shot. We thought, just one and done, and I can continue to get my back into shape with exercise and supplements, but still be able to do all the things I need to do.

We make plans and God laughs.

I made an appt with the Spine Institute right down the road from my house. They saw me for about 15 minutes, looked at my MRI from September, told me I should get the shot, sent me downstairs for it, and in I went. I asked not to be sedated (which was just what they typically did). They gave me an IV in my arm "just in case" and sent me into a waiting area. It was all very assembly line like. The doctors administering the shot were joking about vacay time and stuck me in the back with a giant needle and sent me on my way. They said it could take up to 14 days to feel the effects so they would see me back in 2 weeks.

Enter my own personal hell.

It did not feel any different when I left. Which I thought was a little weird. But whatevs. That night was pretty bad, but I took some ibuprofen and was able to get a little sleep. The next day the shit hit the fan in a big way.

I was writhing on the floor in pain, after attempting to come down the stairs and make breakfast for my kiddos. Pretty sure I threw a bag of crackers at them, grabbed my phone and sobbed to the nurse. The pain was like nothing I had ever felt before. She said it was normal and she would have a prescription waiting for my hubbs to go pick up and fill.

It was, of course, for a pill that not only was NOT an anti-inflammatory, but also was not a great one for a nursing mamma- something I told them multiple times that I am. Awwwwwweeeeeeesome.

So I scoured our medicine cabinets and found a bottle of oxycodon from my c-section with baby boy. They were old, but it was almost full and I knew it was safe for nursing. So those kept me alive that week. I couldn't move. I could barely crawl out of bed to go to the bathroom, nursing positions were agony, sitting, standing, laying down- all of it were just the most pain I have ever been in. I would rather have a c-section EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK then go through that pain again. I called the nurse every day to tell her how bad it was and that I didn't think it was normal (and neither did any one else) but she said it was fine, and that if I was still nursing then I could just take ibuprofen. Super super helpful.

I went to my chiro in the hopes that he could do something, anything to help relieve the pain that the oxy was only taking the edge off of. I was literally bent over in half trying to walk into his office. He told me that my back was in such a severe spasm it was no wonder I was like that. He used a heating pad with moisture to try and relax the spasming. He had to do that 3 different times that week, and I finally bought one so I could do it at home. We also started using a TENS machine in the hopes that it would help tame the inflammation and spasming. I also bought one of those.

My acupuncturist tried to help as well, and it did for a bit, but this pain was ridiculous and would not be killed. Hubbs took the rest of the week to work from home so he could take care of the kids, and my mom flew down over the weekend, because it was pretty clear that I was unable to be at home alone.

The 2 week mark was approaching, and I went ahead and cut off any other appointments with the Spine Institute. It was pretty clear they had no interest in individual patients, and they didn't really know what they were doing, since they essentially paralyzed me for 2 weeks. The pain started to back off a bit, but there was no walking happening. There was barely standing. Sitting didn't feel that great either.

 I scheduled an appt with back specialist Dr. Bright McConnell, but he's crazy busy (because he's amazing) so it took 2 weeks to get in to see him (and it was only that soon because of a cancellation in his schedule). In the meantime, I tried to do the TENS machine, and ice and use the moist heat whenever I could, and I tried desperately to get around, even though it was completely hunched over. I used the stroller to lean on as much as possible. And then I realized. I needed a cane.

That's right. Big old, blingy cane. And yes, I managed to go out for a girl's night because it had been almost 2 months of me laid up in my house and I wanted to get all pretty again. I, of course, did that sitting down (which drying your hair in bed is strangely relaxing). But I did it. I was not super prepared for the staring (or maybe I just thought people were staring) but whatevs. It is what it is. So I rolled with it.

And also. Yes. That is the absolute most I could stand straight up. And I was pushing it so I could get a decent picture. I was full queen of the tilt.

And I was still under the impression that this was an easy fix.  I've known plenty of people who have bulging discs and they bounce back pretty quickly.

And then, the day before my first appointment with Dr. McConnell, I was sitting on the couch, and suddenly, everything from my hip down went all pins and needles. It felt like a waterfall inside my leg. I got up to go to the bathroom, and on the way back, I remembered what my mom had said about the heel and the toe test. If you can still walk on just your heels, and just your toes, then it's fine. So I tried it. And when I tried to walk on my toes, my whole foot rolled . Tried again. Same story. So I cried, and called my mom, who told me to call my chiro, who had me come in.

Turns out, I have nerve damage. I didn't have nearly as much feeling in my left foot and calf as I did on the right (couldn't really tell the difference between a sharp pokey thing and a dull one). This raised the stakes considerably. Because if I didn't get this crap worked out, and soon, I would probably have permanent nerve damage.

So I went to the doc and had some scary conversations and then was scheduled for another MRI. Apparently, everyone and their mother must be breaking themselves in Charleston, because between all of the Imaging places, the soonest they could get me in was 1 week. And then another almost full week to go back to the doc to talk about it. And yup. Between September and February, I had absolutely done more damage. My S1 was now invited to the party, not just L4 and L5. Thank you hip, for crapping out on me, too.

So we scheduled me to see Dr. Goltra, who is basically brilliant, and not only does he do cortisone shots, but he also is the guy that reads the MRI's to tell you what's going on. It took FOREVER to get in to see him (again- super popular and brilliant), but when the nurse heard I could barely walk, had 2 toddlers to take care of and it had been almost 2 full months of me being non-functional, she stuck me in a cancellation slot.

It, of course, was the week the hubbs got sent to Seattle for work. So my parents drove down to take care of me. Seriously...who can even live without them??? Filling my freezer with SO MUCH FOOD and taking care of the kids. Dropping their lives to help me out. They are just the best.

So in I go. And he tells me that I have a mild spinal stenosis. Which means my spinal column is too narrow, and over the years it gets more and more narrow. Which means, if I have bulging discs, it will affect my nerve a lot more quickly because it doesn't have very far to go. AWESOME. He also tells me that it is fully pushing on my nerve (cue foot falling asleep all the time, 2 toes that are constantly pins and needles, and peg leg if I try to walk for more than 10 minutes at a time). I stand up and turn around and he says that he can physically see that my nerve is swollen- and if he can see that through my clothes and skin it means I've REALLY managed to piss it off. It's no wonder I'm in this much pain, why on earth did I go to the Spine Institute, and he knows he'll be able to help. And also, NOT to go get surgery. He said "If anyone tells you you need surgery, you come talk to me."

And then he gives me 2 shots. One is the typical cortisone shot. The other he's putting basically directly on my nerve to tame it out, otherwise I'd never be able to do any sort of rehab on my back.

It works IMMEDIATELY. I can stand up straight. I walk to the car. Dad drives me home. I try and walk up the stairs. My leg is now complete jelly (I was warned this may happen) and Dad is behind me, trying to make sure I don't fall while I'm cracking up because no matter what I do, my leg refuses to listen to me. Novocaine of the leg for sure.

I make an appointment for 3 weeks later. I am told that I am still not to push it. No real walking, not too much standing. Basically what I've been doing for the past 2 months, to allow the shot to heal me. I *try* to listen, but let's face it, I don't. I mean, I kinda do, but I pushed it a bit. And I felt it.

So 3 weeks later, I get the 2 shots again. And I'm given the all clear to start physical therapy. Where I'm currently 2 weeks in. Doing traction and stretches. Not much else. Walking, with a stroller or some sort of support, until my foot starts to go numb (which is currently about 6 minutes). If the numbness is still occurring that means the nerve is still aggravated, which should be worked out by the traction after a while. And THEN I can FINALLY do strength training and yoga.

HOLY LORD it's been a loooooong process. The original shot from hell was mid January. It's now April, and I still can't do things like bring my kids anywhere by myself without doing some serious damage to my back. And yes. I've tried. BECAUSE I NEVER LEARN THINGS.

In the midst of all of this, my amazing friends sat me down (well, I was already sitting, wrapped up in my blanket because apparently I was now cold all the time as well), and they said "we know it's hard to accept help. But we're sistering you. And you have no choice. Just take it." Which is basically the best thing that anyone could ever say. Cause they're right. If they asked what they could have done for me, I would have said "Nothing. We're fine. But thank you." And then hubbs, who was doing all the things all the time, would've cheerfully choked me. But they didn't ask. They told. And they brought us meals. And they played with our kids. And they brought me chocolate and magazines. And they hung out in our driveway so that I wouldn't have to walk anywhere, just sit in my chair wrapped up in a blanket.

And I read a whole lot. And I realized a whole lot. I realized how very blessed we were to move into a community a few short months prior, and to have made such amazing friends, who were there when I was down for the count. Most of whom lived in my cul-de-sac. God put us exactly where we needed to be. I also realized that PERHAPS the reason we were in this mess is because I super super suck at accepting help, never mind trying to ask for it. Little Miss I-Can-Do-It-By-Myself learned some serious lessons in humility. And also, the beauty of leaning on your village.

There was a night when hubbs got some weird 24 hour pukey bug, and there was a crock pot of food sitting on our high countertop. I almost tried to reach up to put it in the fridge but realized that if I ever wanted to get better, I had to start acknowledging that I could no longer lift ALL THE THINGS. I texted my neighbor Kirsten for assistance. I admit, it was hard to ask for help. But she, and later, hubbs, both agreed that if I had tried to lift that crock pot, there may have been a throw down. And after she left, I realized I was a little proud of myself for finally reaching out. And I've tried to be good about it since then. Tried being the key word.

I'm just starting to get back into the kitchen. I'm not making any fancy pants things. I don't always make bread- sometimes I allow him to buy the organic fresh baked stuff from Whole Foods. Hubbs always has to help. And most of the time, I do as much as I can sitting down. We hired a cleaning crew to come every other week. I actually hired Kirsten's niece to watch the kiddos when I go to physical therapy. I mean, WHO EVEN AM I!?!?!

Most days, I'm ok with all of this. Some days, I feel like I'm failing at life since my whole job in life is to take care of the kids and the house. But I'm trying to give myself some grace. This is just a season, and keeping all the people alive is my job-  the clean house and yummy food is a nice benefit for all. (Please see "Cleaning up is not my destiny" by my brilliant friend, Michelle).

And maybe it's all the reading of all the books I've done (hello Jen Hatmaker, Shauna Niequist, Glennon Melton, and THE BIBLE)- but I'm noticing a softening of my heart. There's way less anger and rage. Way more compassion and grace. Which is interesting for this blog, as it's based on raging about all the ways I hate Monsanto and how our government is poisoning us. Which I still believe. I'm just not into yelling about it as much anymore. I'm trying more of a gentle nudge approach. So there's that. At some point there'll be a whole post on that. I've got other things on my mind currently...

So, yeah. You haven't heard from me in a while. And this is why. I'm still healing. I actually tried to write this post a month ago. I got a ways through it, and then my computer decided not to save it. And I was all done with that nonsense.

And also, this is a better place to leave it.

Taking this stuff one day at a time. Trying to find the humor. Hoping I haven't broken myself permanently. I'm not gonna win any awards by paralyzing myself trying to do it all alone.

I have really smart friends (near and far) who have gently beaten that into my skull. And I'm a slow learner, but I'm getting there.


are blogs still a thing?

 It's been 2 years. Ish .SO MUCH has happened. So much is continuing to happen. I would love to document it all here. It takes a certain...