Thursday, March 27, 2025

are blogs still a thing?

 It's been 2 years. Ish .SO MUCH has happened. So much is continuing to happen. I would love to document it all here. It takes a certain amount of dedication to make that happen, and I question whether I have it or not. I have a week or 2 each month where I can get er done. And then... not so much with the doing. 

Currently, we're in the library/ homeschool space and boyfriend is singing "My mommy is the best, the best there ever was" on repeat, but I'll take it cause heart explosion 💓💓I was scrolling through the blog looking for a pretzel recipe (spoiler alert: I didn't do a blog post on pretzels and now I have to remember back to 2013 when I made them and figure out what recipe I used)....

Well friends, it is JANUARY 4, 2024. and yes, the above is all I had written on my "gonna try this one more time" post. Big oops. 

Honestly, I question whether or not people read/ care about blogs anymore. They were THE THING to do when I started. And there weren't a ton of others around like mine- organic/ holistic cooking and health stuff. And now? Well, looooooots of people are out there on Insta hustling and pushing the homesteading lifestyle... the one I've been trying to live while failing to write about it. I feel like I picked the better option- live it as best we can. But not gonna lie... maybe I get a tad jealous thinking that I could have been making some sort of income from all of this. But that would have put some serious pressure on something I enjoyed, and as a recovering perfectionist, pretty sure it would have led to burn-out and not great relationships with my kiddos. All has worked out as it should. Just don't tell my bank account 😆

So where do I go from here? At this stage, I'm not loving social media so much. I find myself getting panicky and sweaty from all the knowing ALL THE THINGS. the things that humans were never ever supposed to know all of. So do I want to actively promote a blog/ lifestyle on a medium that doesn't improve the quality of my life while talking about improving the quality of my life? Doubtful. 

so what does one do when she fancies herself a decent writer but doesn't give herself an outlet for it? write a book? a cookbook? a memoir? feels like i'm screaming out into the void where countless others are doing the same and why pick mine? i'm not sure i can craft a novel, i never measure out anything when i'm cooking, and although i have some real good stories about random how-does-that-even-happen events, what's the end message? 

when it comes right down to it, our little family has had some incredible adventures. ones i'd like to document in written form at some point, since journaling them at the time never happened, and the memories are fading (which is why i'm still on the social medias- at least i captured a lot of it there). 

Living in France? BIG YES WRITE THAT DOWN.

Moving back to Jersey after 13 long years? YUP YUP.

Buying an 1853 farmhouse that used to be a dairy? Abso-freaking-lutely.

About homeschooling my kiddos, one who has special needs? and about our attachment/ gentle parenting style and philosophy? I mean, I think it's pretty interesting. And 12 years in, we're definitely seeing the fruit of those decisions, even the ones questioned by everyone around us. 

Do I write and just see what becomes of it all? Do I have a way to print this all out and put it in a journal so I don't have to do work twice? Probably a good idea. 


In the words of Asher Jet- "BUT WHY?"

Mainly because every time I think, oooh should finally blog about France! or our renovations! or homeschool! it's 2am and I'm trying to get some much needed sleep. Blerg. 

But I reno'd the blog page to better reflect... me I guess. I heart books. And cooking. And coffee. But it's hard to get all those themes in one so books it is! And since homeschool is my favorite season right now, it seems pretty fitting. 

Is it weird that I'm finally releasing another blog post almost a year later and I'm off social media for Lent so I'm not advertising it? Probably. But here we go. And here's to more blogging at a decent hour! 

are blogs still a thing?

 It's been 2 years. Ish .SO MUCH has happened. So much is continuing to happen. I would love to document it all here. It takes a certain...